第三類條件句(The Third Conditional) - 實用基礎文法
文章推薦指數: 80 %
If she had been wearing her seatbelt, she ______ the car accident. (A) might have survived (B) may survive (C) will survive (D) can survive. 參考詞彙 全民英檢 依字母排序依詞性分類 學測指考 依字母排序依詞性分類 國中會考 依字母排序依詞性分類依主題分類基本1200字詞挑戰800字詞 幼兒國小 認識ABC怎
- 1第三類條件句| 英語文法| EF
If the weather had been better(但沒有), I'd have been sitting in the garden when he arrived(但我沒有). I...
- 2If I Would Have vs. If I Had - The Blue Book of Grammar and ...
- 3超實用的If 假設語氣解析,讓你秒懂假設語氣!
→ Were I you, I would not skip the lecture. 與現在事實相反的假設,結果句用would+原V。 If you had studied hard, you...
- 4First, Second, and Third Conditional
If I had had enough money, I would have gone to Japan. Conditional clause, Main clause. 1. If + P...
- 5Type 3 Conditional | English Grammar | EF - EF Education First
Examples. If I had worked harder I might have passed the exam. You could have been on time if you...