Where can I find camera drawings in 3D? | Teledyne FLIR
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For development and design some FLIR cameras and thermal camera core modules (like Boson®, or Tau®), 3D models are available in *.stp/*.step format. Icon-ContactSalesShapeGridViewExportedfromStreamlineApp(https://app.streamlineicons.com)ModelSelectorModelSelector FordevelopmentanddesignsomeFLIRcamerasandthermalcameracoremodules(likeBoson®,orTau®),3Dmodelsareavailablein*.stp/*.stepformat. Headovertoourcustomersupportportaltodownloadthesemodelsnow. FLIRSupportPortal RelatedArticles UpcomingWebinars Webinar-FLIRTRK101PPTZTracking Registernow RecordedWebinar Webinar:AnintroductiontotheFLIRSaros™DM-SeriesandQuasar™4KIRPTZcameras Watchnow RecordedWebinar Webinar:FLIRTotalSecuritySolution Watchnow × ConfirmLocation Singapore EuropeanUnion
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To create the system, the team selected four A65sc FLIR thermal imaging cameras as well as four c...
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一寶實達有限公司為加拿大FLIR 台灣總代理商,加拿大LMI 智慧雷射感測器掃描器台灣總代理,德國Jenoptik ProgRes 高階顯微鏡攝影機總代理,LIPS 3D相機代理.
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FLIR's industrial, visible light cameras combine the most advanced sensors with powerful features...
- 5Where can I find camera drawings in 3D? | Teledyne FLIR
For development and design some FLIR cameras and thermal camera core modules (like Boson®, or Tau...