文章推薦指數: 80 %
尊重他人英文. follow the three r's: respect for self, respect for others and responsibility for all your actions. 尊: Ⅰ動詞(敬重) respect; revere; ... 搜尋 尊重他人的英文怎麼說 中文拼音[zūnzhòngtārén] 尊重他人 英文 followthethreer's:
- 1尊重他人:respect有几种用法 - 沪江网校
尊重他人:respect有几种用法 · 1.尊敬,尊重[U] feeling of admiration for sb / sth because of their good qualities...
- 2尊重他人的英文怎麼說
尊重他人英文. follow the three r's: respect for self, respect for others and responsibility for all you...
- 3原來respect 還可以這樣用!7種「尊重」的延伸用法 - Cheers ...
If you don't respect others, others won't respect you either. 如果你不尊重別人,別人也不會尊重你。 The importance o...
- 4『respect』用法大集合!『尊重』英文用法你分得清楚嗎?
例句:If you don't respect others, others won't respect you either. (如果你不尊重別人,別人也不會尊重你。) 或是:The impo...
- 5尊重他人英文- 英语翻译 - 查查在线词典
尊重他人的英文翻译:follow the three r's: respect for self, …,查阅尊重他人英文怎么说,尊重他人的英语读音例句用法和详细解释。