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Since 1969, the internationally acclaimed vocal sextet The Western Wind has devoted itself to the special beauty and variety of a cappella music. Home Concerts Workshops Education Store About “Akaleidoscopictapestryofvocalhues…” —NewYorkTimes UpcomingEvents: OfDreams,Desires,&Dragons MusicfromHildegardetoJoniMitchell Monday,August8,2022•8:00pm EarleRecitalHall,SmithCollege,Northampton,MA Admissionfree VocalensembleworkshopatSmithCollegeAugust8–13 FeaturedRecordings: RoseofSharon TheHappyJourney EarlyAmericanVocalMusic,VolumesI&II Since1969,theinternationallyacclaimedvocalsextetTheWesternWindhasdevoteditselftothespecialbeautyandvarietyofacappellamusic.TheEnsemble’srepertoirerevealsitsdiversebackground–fromRenaissancemotetstoFiftiesrock ’n’ roll,frommedievalcarolstoDukeEllington,fromcomplexworksbyavant-gardecomposerstothesimplestfolkmelodies. “…versatility…virtuosity…astunningconcert.” —LosAngelesTimes Hearussing!… ithankYouGod musicbyElliotZ.LevinewordsbyE.E.Cummings SimpleGiftsarrangedbyYumikoMatsuoka ThePromisedLandbyMissM.Durham
- 1Carly Rae Jepsen: “Western Wind” Track Review | Pitchfork
“Western Wind” is just the right amount of easy-going—appropriately, the song debuted at Coachell...
- 2Carly Rae Jepsen - Western Wind (Official Video) - YouTube
- 3Carly Rae Jepsen 卡莉蕾- Western Wind 翩翩西風【中文翻譯 ...
這次的新歌Western Wind 是Carly 睽違多久以來的正式單曲. 新歌首次演唱場合是在Coachella 當初聽個一點點我就整個耳朵大懷孕.
- 4Carly Rae Jepsen - Western Wind專輯 - LINE MUSIC
Western Wind歌詞 - Carly Rae Jepsen 卡莉蕾 - California, it crossed my mind Once, we were pressed into...
- 5Western Wind | Carly Rae Jepsen Wiki - Fandom
Western Wind is the first single from Carly Rae Jepsen's upcoming studio album. It was released o...