Unity - 使用低階圖形指令GL(Low-level graphics library ... - Verv
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SetPass( 0 ); //繪製線條,每兩個點一線,請給雙數點GL.Begin( GL.LINES ); GL.Color( new Color(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,0.5f) ); GL. NavigationGadget Home Unity NorthTower SpaceShipShoot UnityEditor2048
- 1Unity - Scripting API: GL.Color - Unity - Manual
In OpenGL this matches glColor4f(c.r,c.g,c.b,c.a) ; on other graphics APIs the same functionality...
- 2Unity - 使用低階圖形指令GL(Low-level graphics library ... - Verv
SetPass( 0 ); //繪製線條,每兩個點一線,請給雙數點GL.Begin( GL.LINES ); GL.Color( new Color(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,0.5f) )...
- 3Unity中GL类的使用简记_天富儿的博客-CSDN博客
Unity中GL类的使用简记代码效果图我用GL类画了两种不一样的方块。 ... PushMatrix();//保存摄像机变换矩阵Color clr = Color.green; clr.a = ...
- 4GL-Color - Unity 脚本API
public static void Color (Color c);. 描述. 设置当前顶点颜色。 在OpenGL 中,这与 glColor4f(c.r,c.g,c.b,c.a) 相匹配;在其...
- 5How to change wireframe color using GL in Unity? - Stack ...
After GL.wireframe=true vertex colors provide wireframe color and there are only two ways to chan...