「眼睛腫」的英文怎麼說? - 中英物語ChToEn 知道
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眼睛腫的英文例句. My allergies were acting up and I woke up this morning with puffy eyes. The easiest way to get rid.. 眼睛腫的英文怎麼說?★ 眼睛腫的英文怎麼說眼睛腫的英文例句MyallergieswereactingupandIwokeupthismorningwithpuffyeyes.Theeasiestwaytogetridofpuffyeyesistodrinkwater. 眼睛腫的相關詞水腫黑眼圈失眠眼
- 1眼睛腫英文– 台灣商業櫃台
- 2[ 英文] 美國就醫英文@ 芝加哥的提拉米蘇:: 痞客邦::
有些人告訴我,住美國很好,唯一最怕的就是看醫生,因為英文不好,常常問話問不到重點,也聽不懂醫生在講什麼, ... tilt your head back and look upward 頭往後倒...
- 3眼瞼紅腫的英文怎麼說 - Dict.site 英漢/漢英線上英文字典
眼瞼紅腫英文. redness and swelling of the eyelid. 眼: Ⅰ名詞1 (眼睛) eye 2 (小洞; 窟窿) small hole; aperture 3 (...
- 4"紅腫的眼睛" 英文翻譯 - 查查綫上翻譯
- 5紅腫的英文翻譯,紅腫英文怎麼說,紅腫的英文例句- WebSaru漢 ...
adj ~ (by/with sth) 1 (of a part of the body) red, hot and sore (eg because of infection) (指身體某部)...