文章推薦指數: 80 %
put on sale/ shelves.上架;pull off shelves下架eg.As soon as the fresh vegetables come in,we put them on sale.新鲜蔬菜一到,我们就上架开卖. 题目货物的上架与下架用英文怎么说扫码下载作业帮搜索答疑一搜即得答案解析查看更多优质解析举报putonsale/shelves.上架;pulloffshelves下架eg.Assoonasthefreshvegetablescomein,weputthemonsale.新鲜蔬菜一到,我们就上架开卖.Supermarketsinsomeprovinceshadstartedtopullthemilkpow...解析看不懂?免费查看同类题视频解析查看解答相似问题往货架上更多商品英文英文翻意:”商品不存在或已下架”,英文怎么说.二维码回顶部
- 1【多益高分達人】『產品下架』的英文,原來是這樣! - 希平方
從架子上拉下來」,也可以是產品下架的意思喔。舉個例子:. What happened? Didn't they just pull another drink from the shelves ...
- 2货物的上架与下架用英文怎么说_作业帮
put on sale/ shelves.上架;pull off shelves下架eg.As soon as the fresh vegetables come in,we put them ...
- 3商品「下架」英文怎麼說? 上架=On the - 健康跟著走
在英文裡, store shelves (或retail shelves)常用在形容貨品於真實商店販賣。,「下架」怎麼說同樣的,「上架」的英文也不能這樣說: This product will ...
- 4商品「上架」 - 英文自學讀書會(English Self-Study Group)
商品「上架」、商品「下架」英文怎麼說? 上架=On the shelf? 不是喔~❌❌❌ 快來看看怎麼說?
- 5Re: [單字] 產品上下架的英文- 看板Eng-Class - 批踢踢實業坊
零售retailer 產品上架on-shelf 產品下架off-shelf : 又,我可以說newly shelved products/off-shelved products嗎? : 競爭產...