英文單字強力教- authentic [ɔˋθɛntɪk] adj. 真實 - Facebook
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authentic [ɔˋθɛntɪk] adj. 真實/正的( = genuine);道地We enjoy eating authentic Japanese cuisine/food. 我們喜歡吃道地的日本料理。
- 1authentic (a.) 道地的@ 歡迎來到小可樂ㄉ家 - 隨意窩
authentic (a.) 道地的A: How was the Korean restaurant last night?昨晚的韓國餐廳如何?B: The food was very auth...
- 2authentic (【形容詞】真實的, 可靠的, 非假冒的)意思、用法及發音
... and eating traditional food with the owners for an authentic Cuban experience! 利用你的假期和民宿老闆學習當...
- 3道地餐飲-Authentic Food Comopany
作者:道地餐飲. 【2/7-2/11 Bar Surfing 暖身操】 終於來了,Bar Surfing悄悄的來了! BarSurfing沉寂的這半年,你有在跑吧嗎?
- 4「道地」的英文怎麼說? - 中英物語ChToEn 知道
道地的英文例句. A: Do you like the pho here? B: It's alright. It's not as authentic as the pho restauran...
- 5英文單字強力教- authentic [ɔˋθɛntɪk] adj. 真實 - Facebook
authentic [ɔˋθɛntɪk] adj. 真實/正的( = genuine);道地We enjoy eating authentic Japanese cuisine/food. 我們...