Bought time - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
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Boughttime-IdiomsbyTheFreeDictionary buytime(redirectedfromboughttime)Alsofoundin:Dictionary,Thesaurus,Legal,Financial. buytimeTostallordelayinordertogainmoretimetodos
- 1「Buy time」可不是「買時間」,那是啥意思呢? - 每日頭條
Buy time means to stall or delay to get some time to do something. 也就是說先拖延擱置(stall),特意想要給自己爭取點時間做...
- 2Buy-time Meaning | Best 1 Definitions of Buy-time
What does buy-time mean? (idiomatic) Purposefully cause a delay to something, in order to achieve...
- 3Buy time | Definition of Buy time at
Increase the time available for a specific purpose. For example, Renting an apartment buys them t...
- 4buy time meaning, definition, examples, origin, synonyms
buy time. buy time. Meaning: do something in order to be allowed more time. Example: Freelance wo...
- 5buy time 在英語-中文(繁體)詞典中的翻譯 - Cambridge ...
buy time翻譯:贏得時間;拖延時間。了解更多。