Most Watched Games on Twitch | Esports Content and Total
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Esports hours consists of content from professionally organized esports competitions and does not include individual (pro-player) streams. With a Newzoo Pro ... NewzooPlatform:TheUltimateGamesDataTool Getfreetrial Searchfor: Products&Services Platform Pro Expert GlobalReports GlobalGamesMarketReport CloudGaming Esports&LiveStreaming MobileMarket ConsumerInsights Games&Esports GameFranchises GamingPeripherals GamingHardwareandComponents GamerSentiment:Diversity&Inclusion CustomResearch CustomConsumerResearch TrackingBrandHealth Consulting NewzooConsulting DataFeeds MobileDeviceData YourBusiness GameDevelopmentandPublishing Hardware&GamingPeripherals Brands,Sports,andMedia TelecomandMobileServices FinanceandConsultancy Agency CaseStudies Resources ArticlesOurlatestdataandopinions InfographicsOurinfographics RankingsVariousrankings KeyNumbersOurlatestmarketestimates TrendReportsFreereportsandwhitepapers VideosOurdataandproductsinaction Company AboutNewzooWhoweare TeamMeettheNewzooTeam NewsNewzoonews CareersJointheteam ClientsBrandsweworkwith FAQFrequentlyAskedQuestions MediaPressandmediaassets PartnersDiscoverourpartners ContactGetintouch Contactsales MostWatchedGamesonTwitch ThisrankingfeaturesthetopgamesonTwitchbytotalhourswatchedandalsoincludestheesportshourswatchedforeachtitle.Esportshoursconsistsofcontentfromprofessionallyorganizedesportscompetitionsanddoesnotincludeindividual(pro-player)streams. WithaNewzooProsubscription,usershaveaccesstothetop1000gamesandchannelsandcanfilterondaily,weekly,ormonthlybasis. AccessdailymetricsforTwitchandFacebookGaminginNewzooPro Learnmore December2021 AccesstrendingdatainNewzooPro Learnmore UnlockYoYchangeintheNewzooPlatform! RequestTrial Title Publisher TotalHours EsportsHours ShareEsports Change 1. GrandTheftAutoV RockstarGames 116.8M 0K 0% - 2. Valorant RiotGames 98.1M 18.3M 18.62% 2 3. LeagueofLegends RiotGames 95M 1.3M 1.33% 1 4. EscapeFromTarkov BattlestateGames 76.8M 0.1K 0% 24 5. Fortnite EpicGames 66.9M 542.6K 0.81% 2 6. CallofDuty:ModernWarfare/Warzone Activision 55.5M 140.3K 0.25% 2 7. Minecraft Mojang 54.6M 27.3K 0.05% 1 8. ApexLegends ElectronicArts 46.4M 312.7K 0.67% 3 9. Counter-Strike:GlobalOffensive ValveCorporation 45.3M 16.9M 37.2% 6 10. Dota2 ValveCorporation 43.2M 14.3M 33.24% - MoreRankings 1 2 3 Top10Countries/MarketsbyGameRevenues 1 2 3 Top20AndroidGamesinChinabyMAU 1 2 3 MostWatchedGamesonTwitch 1 2 3 Top25PublicCompaniesbyGameRevenues 1 2 3 TopCountriesbySmartphoneUsers 1 2 3 MostPopularPCGames|Steam|Global 1 2 3 Top10brandsby5G-readysmartphones AllRankings BacktoallRankings Share: FreeGamingInsights? Getourlatestinsights,reports,andupdatesstraighttoyourinbox! Newzoousestheinformationyouprovidetoustocontactyouaboutourrelevantcontentandservices.Youcanunsubscribefromthesecommunicationsatanytime.Formoreinformation,checkoutourPrivacyPolicy.
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