Falun Gong - Wikipedia
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Falun Gong or Falun Dafa (/ˈdɑːfə/; Standard Mandarin Chinese: [fàlwə̌n tâfà]; literally, "Dharma Wheel Practice" or "Law Wheel Practice") is a new ... FalunGong FromWikipedia,thefreeencyclopedia Jumptonavigation Jumptosearch Newreligiousmov
- 1The ABC is right: Falun Gong has some dangerous teachings ...
Moral panic over Falun Gong ... Most Australians who have encountered Falun Gong will have seen p...
- 2Why China fears the Falun Gong | The World from PRX
Allow us to explain. Wait! What is Falun Gong anyway? Falun Gong (also called Falun Dafa) arose o...
- 3法輪大法在台灣
Welcome to learn Falun Dafa! To start, you are advised to read “China Falun Gong” and “Zhuan Falu...
- 4中山大學法輪大法Falun Dafa at NSYSU - Posts | Facebook
中山大學法輪大法Falun Dafa at NSYSU. 847 likes. 想了解法輪大法,歡迎參加我們本學期的社課呦~ 時間:每周三19:00~20:55 地點:每次不同,請以下列電話(或...
- 5Falun Dafa Club at BU (波士頓大學法輪大法俱樂部) - Boston ...
Welcome to Falun Dafa Club, a club made for convenient meditation-exercise ... For those of you u...