Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 IO Board, a Development ...
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The Compute Module 4 IO Board is a companion board for Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 (supplied separately). It is designed for use both as a development system ... MyAccount MyCart Checkout SelectYourCurrency USDollar$ AustralianDollarAU$ BritishPoundSterling£ CanadianDollarCA$ Euro€ JapaneseYen¥ Loginorcreateanaccount. Home > 18796 RaspberryPiComputeModule4IOBoard,aDevelopmentPlatformforCM4 SKU:18796PartNumber:ComputeModule4IOBoard Brand:RaspberryPiFoundation $39.99 Qty: Increase Decrease AddtoCart $39.792+ $39.693+ $39.654+ RelatedProducts: Share: DescriptionPackageContent Details RaspberryPiComputeModule4IOBoard,adevelopmentplatformandreferencebase-boarddesignforCM4 Computemodule4IOBoard TheComputeModule4IOBoardisacompanionboardforRaspberryPiComputeModule4(suppliedseparately).ItisdesignedforusebothasadevelopmentsystemforComputeModule4andasanembeddedboardintegratedintoendproducts. TheIOboardisdesignedtoallowyoutocreatesystemsquicklyusingoff-theshelfpartssuchasHATsandPCIecards,whichmightincludeNVMe,SATA,networking,orUSB.Themajoruserconnectorsarelocatedalongonesidetomakeenclosuressimple. ComputeModule4IOBoardalsoprovidesanexcellentwaytoprototypesystemsusingtheComputeModule4. Interfacesintroduction Specifications CM4socket suitableforallvariantsofComputeModule4 Connectors StandardRaspberryPiHATconnectorswithPoEsupportStandardPCIeGen2x1socketVariousjumperstodisablespecificfeatures,e.g.wirelessconnectivity,EEPROMwriting RTC Real-timeclockwithbatterysocketandabilitytowakeComputeModule4 Video 2xMIPIDSIdisplayFPCconnectors(22-pin0.5mmpitchcable) Camera 2xMIPICSI-2cameraFPCconnectors(22-pin0.5mmpitchcable) USB 2xUSB2.0connectorsMicroUSBsocketforupdatingComputeModule4 Ethernet GigabitEthernetRJ45withPoEsupport Storagesocket MicroSDcardsocketforComputeModule4Lite(withouteMMC)variants Fan Standardfanconnector Powerinput 12V/5V Dimensions 160×90mm CM4baseboardselectionguide CM4BaseBoardInterfacecountandspecifications PoEGigabitETH40PINGPIOPCIeUSB①DSIHDMICSIRTCFanHeaderPowerInputFeatures NANOA √ 2.0×1 ×1 5V CM4sized NANOB ×1 √ 2.0×1 ×1 ×1 ×1 5V CM4sized Duino M.2M 2.0×1 ×1 ×1 5V Arduinocompatible miniBaseA ×1 √ M.2M 2.0×4 ×1 ×2 ×2 5V 5V minisize miniBaseB ×1 √ M.2M 2.0×4 ×1 ×2 ×2 √ 5V 5V minisize Touchscreen ×1 M.2M 2.0×4 ×1 ×1 5V IPSscreen Binocularcamera ×1 √ M.2M 2.0×4 ×2 5V dual8MPcameras 4CHRS485 ×1 M.2M 2.0×2 ×1 ×2 ×1 5V 7-36V dualETH DualGigabitETH ×2 √ 3.0×3 ×1 ×2 ×2 √ 5/12V 7-36V IoTDualGigabitETH ×2 √ 3.0×2 ×1 ×2 ×2 √ 5/12V 5V 5G/4Gsupport IoTBase √ ×1 Gen2×1 2.0×2 ×2 ×2 ×2 √ 5/12V 7-36V 5G/4GsupportRS232RS485ADC PoEBase(B) √ ×1 √ Gen2×1 2.0×4 ×2 ×2 ×2 √ 5/12V 5V RS232RS485 PoEUPSBase √ ×1 √ M.2M 2.0×4 ×1 ×2 ×2 √ 5/12V 7-36V UPS PoEBase √ ×1 √ 3.0×4 ×2 ×2 ×2 √ 5/12V 7-36V RaspberryPiofficial ② ×1 √ Gen2×1 2.0×4 ×2 ×2 ×2 √ 12V 12V Wirelessbase ×1 M.2B/Mini-PCIe 2.0×3 ×1 ×1 √ 5/12V 5Vor7-36V 5G/4GsupportRS485CANrail-mount 5″touchscreen ② ×1 √ M.2M 2.0×4 ×1 ×2 √ 5/12V 5V 7″all-in-one ×1 M.2M 2.0×4 used ×1 used √ 5/12Vused 7-36V touchscreencameraspeaker Note ①USB3.0isequivalenttoUSB3.2Gen1②There'sPoEheaderonlyontheRaspberryPiofficialIOboardwithoutPoEcircuit,thatmeansadditionalPoEmoduleisrequiredfortheofficialIOboardtoenablePoEfeature.Unlessotherwisespecified,thePoEfeatureherestandsforintegrating802.3af-compliantPoEcircuit(5V/2.5A). Resources&Services Wiki:Compute-Module-4 Weight:0.107kg QuickOverview ComputeModule4IOBoardx1 CategoryNavigation: Products RaspberryPi Boards/Kits RaspberryPi4 RaspberryPi3 RaspberryPi400 RaspberryPiZero2W RaspberryPiZero RaspberryPiPico ComputeModule4 ComputeModule3 Displays LCD/OLED e-Paper Cameras 12.3MPRollingShutter 8MPRollingShutter 5MPRollingShutter 1MPGlobalShutter AICameras HATs IoT Interface/Expansion/Power Motors/Relays/SCR AD/DA/Audio/Sensors LED/Buttons Versatile All-in-one MagicMirror/All-in-one Robots MobileRobots RobotArm/Control PortableGaming Accessories PiCases DisplayCases Wires/Power/SDCard... AI Boards/Kits JetsonNano JetsonXavierNX JetsonTX2 JetsonAGXOrin JetsonAGXXavier AICameras Displays LCD/OLED e-Paper Cameras SingleCameras BinocularCameras Expansions IoT Motors/Relays/SCR AD/DA/Versatile PowerSupply Robots MobileRobots RobotArm/Control Accessories Cases Wires/Power/SDCard... Displays LCD/OLED 5“-15.6“ 2.8“-4.3“ 0.9“-2.4“ e-Paper 5.65“-13.3“ 2.66“-4.3“ 1.02“-2.2“ DriverBoards Accessories Cables/Adapters Cases Speakers IoT/Communication LongRangeWireless NB-IoT/Cat-M/LoRa/LoRaWAN 5G/4G/Cat-1/GSM/GPRS GNSS/GPS ShortRangeWireless WiFi ZigBee Bluetooth NFC/RF WiredComm/Converter USB USBTORS232/UART/FIFO Ethernet EthernetTORS232/RS485 RS232/RS485/CAN MiscModules Cameras/Audio/Video Speech/ImageRecognition/AICameras USBCameras Cameras AudioDecoder Sensors Accelerometer/AngularRate/Compass Fingerprint/Sound/Image/Gesture Temperature/Humidity/Barometer Gas Light/Ranging Others Motors/Servos Drivers Motors/Servos Others InterfaceExpansion LED/Buttons Storage AD/DA RTC Power/Relays/SCR Robotics MobileRobots JetsonNanoAIRobots RaspberryPiRobots Arduino-RelatedRobots micro:bitRobots Dog-likeRobots RaspberryPiDog-likeRobots Drivers/Sensors Drivers Sensors Motors/Servos Motors Servos RobotArm/Control RobotArm PanTiltControl Arduino-Related/Nucleo Boards/Kits ESP32 ArduinoCompatible Nucleo Shields LCDShields Others Robots MobileRobots micro:bit Boards/Kits micro:bit Expansions Displays/Buttons/Sound Motors/Interface Robots MobileRobots RobotArm MCU/ARM CoreBoards/CompactBoards STM32Core STM32Discovery STM32Nucleo LPCCore AVRArduino BeagleBoard DevelopmentBoards/Expansions ESP32 STM32Open STM32EVK AVRArduinoShields Debugger/Programmer STM32/STM8 AVR PIC CCDebugger ProgrammingAdapters STM32 STM8 AVR FPGA CoreBoards/CompactBoards ALTERACore XILINXCore DevelopmentBoards/Expansions ALTERAOpen XILINXOpen Programmer ALTERACore XILINX Sockets/Adapters SpecificProgrammingAdapters STM32Series STM8Series AVRSeries QFP Sockets TODIP WithPinheader QFN/MLF Sockets TODIP WithPinheader SOP Sockets TODIP SSOP/TSSOP Sockets TODIP TSOP/MSOP/SOT Sockets TODIP PLCC Sockets TODIP Accessories Adapters/Cables/Antennas HDMI USB SerialCables JumperWires FFC Antennas Motors/Servos Motors Servos Power/HeatSinks PowerSupply SolarPower HeatSinks CoolingFans Misc RaspberryPiCases JetsonNanoCases DisplayCases Speakers Storage BrowseBy Category RaspberryPi(448) AI(180) Displays(218) IoT/Communication(149) MiscModules(134) Robotics(47) Arduino-Related/Nucleo(26) micro:bit(11) MCU/ARM(72) FPGA(18) Sockets/Adapters(213) Accessories(107)
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The Compute Module 4 IO Board is a companion board for Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 (supplied se...
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Exposing every interface from Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4, the Compute Module 4 IO Board provid...
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Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 – 8GB RAM without eMMC & wireless(C3-1) 3600 NT$. 加入購物車 ... Compute...
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Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 I/O Board 樹莓派運算模組擴展板CM4 計算模組I/O底板. 0 out of 5. ( 目前沒有評價。 ) NT$1,780...