Anagrams of PLNKAN in Scrabble |
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Looking to unscramble plnkan in Scrabble? There is 0 exact anagrams of plnkan but 19 other words that can be made by using the letters of plnkan. Home Forum Blog Encyclopedias Abbreviations Dictionary Definitions Synonyms Thesaurus Antonyms Wordfinders Scrabble Wordfeud Crossword Wordswithfriends Wordtools Verbconjugator Syllables Sentences Texttospeech Partofspeech Abbreviations Dictionary Definitions Synonyms Thesaurus Antonyms Scrabble Wordfeud Crossword Wordswithfriends Verbconjugator Syllables Sentences Texttospeech Partofspeech Contact FAQ About Privacy Cookies Consent Termsofuse Scrabble Scrabble Scrab. Anagramsof Anag. plnkan Scrabble Scrabble Wordswithfriends Wordfeud Crossword Definitions Thesaurus Abbreviations Verbconjugator Sentences Syllables Texttospeech Partofspeech Anagramsof Wordsstartingwith Wordsendingin Containingexactly Dictionary Clue Answer Pattern Rhymeswith Startingwith Endingin Containing Englishverbs Spanishverbs Czech Danish Dutch English German Finnish French Italian Norwegian Portuguese Spanish Swedish Term(Abbr.) Wordinmeaning Synonyms Antonyms Dutch English German Spanish French Italian Norwegian Polish Portuguese Search! AnagramsofPLNKANinScrabble AnagramsofPLNKAN Wefound0exactanagramsofplnkanand19otherwordsthatcanbemadebyusingthelettersofplnkan. Advertising 5-letteranagramsofPLNKAN 5-letteranagrams Points Anagram Definition Def. US Int. 11p. PLANK Astoutlengthofsawntimber. 4-letteranagramsofPLNKAN 4-letteranagrams Points Anagram Definition Def. US Int. 10p. KLAP ToStrike;toSmack. 10p. KNAP Strikesharply. 8p. LANK Longandthinandoftenlimp. 6p. PLAN Aseriesofstepstobecarriedoutorgoalstobeaccomplished. 3-letteranagramsofPLNKAN 3-letteranagrams Points Anagram Definition Def. US Int. 9p. PAK 5p. ALP Anyhighmountain. 5p. PAN Cookingutensilconsistingofawidemetalvessel. 5p. NAP Aperiodoftimespentsleeping. 5p. PAL Aclosefriendwhoaccompanieshisbuddiesintheiractivities. 5p. LAP Theuppersideofthethighsofaseatedperson. 3p. ANN Ahalfyear'sStipend,overandabovewhatisowingfortheIncumbency,duetoaMinister'sHeirsafterhisDecease. 3p. NAN AffectionatenameforaGrandmother. 2-letteranagramsofPLNKAN 2-letteranagrams Points Anagram Definition Def. US Int. 6p. KA Unknowngod. 4p. PA Aninformaltermforafather. 2p. AN Anassociatedegreeinnursing. 2p. NA Asilverysoftwaxymetallicelementofthealkalimetalgroup. 2p. LA Awhitesoftmetallicelementthattarnishesreadily. 2p. AL TheIndianmulberry,,especiallyasusedtomakeDye. Scrabblescoretable OverviewofhowmanypointseachletterintheScrabbleboardgamewillgiveyou.Fromonepointforthemostcommonlettersto10pointsfortherareones.Remembertoplaythelettersthatgiveyouthehighestscore! Score Letter 1p. E A I O N R T L S U 2p. D G 3p. B C M P 4p. F H V W Y 5p. K 8p. J X 10p. Q Z Lastsearches plnkan (anagram) nette (anagram) burst (anagram) meian (anagram) icebeeg (anagram) Yourlastsearches plnkan (anagram) Advertising Jumptoanswerswith... 5-letters 3-letters 4-letters 2-letters Advertising
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