option choice selection有何区别?_百度知道
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- 1"selection" 和"choice" 和"option" 的差別在哪裡? | HiNative
selection的同義字selection and choice can be used to denote having an option but not the other way ar...
- 2option choice selection有何区别?_百度知道
option choice selection有何区别? optionchoiceselection都有“选择”之意,那么它们之间具体在语义上有哪些区别呢?...
- 3Option、selection、alternative和choice,四個「選擇」到底 ...
Feifei謝謝這位網友發來的問題。Option、selection、alternative 和choice 這四個單詞都有「選擇,選項」的意思,也都是很常用的初、中級 ...
- 4What is the difference between choice and selection? - Quora
Choice involves decision making. It can include judging the merits of multiple optionsand selecti...
- 5Selection vs Choice - What's the difference? | WikiDiff
is that selection is the process or act of while choice is an option; a decision; an opportunity ...