eSUN PETG 3D Filament 1.75mm 1kg - Cubic Technology
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The eSun PETG 3D Filament combines the benefits of ABS and PLA filaments. It is an easy-to-print material with high toughness and heat resistance. Skiptocontent Home eSUNPETG3DFilament1.75mm1kg Clicktoexpand Taptozoom eSUNPETG3DFilament1.75mm1kg byESUN Save0% Save% Originalprice $29.95 - Originalprice $29.95 Originalprice $29.95 $29.95 - $29.95 Currentprice $29.95 |/ Chooseavariant Clear-$29.95 Blue-$29.95 Yellow-$29.95 Magenta-$29.95 SolidRed-$29.95 Green-$29.95 Orange-$29.95 SolidBlack-$29.95 SolidWhite-$29.95 SolidSilver-$29.95 SolidBlue-$29.95 SolidGrey-$29.95 SolidGold-$29.95 SolidYellow-$29.95 SolidGreen-$29.95 SolidPurple-$29.95 SolidFireEngineRed-$29.95 Grey-$29.95 Purple-$29.95 SolidOrange-$29.95 Color:Clear 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+ Quantity Quantity Addtocart TheeSunPETG3DFilamentcombinesthebenefitsofABSandPLAfilaments.Itisaneasy-to-printmaterialwithhightoughnessandheatresistance.PETGfilamentalsooffersgoodlayeradhesionand alittlebitof flexibility. WhybuyfilamentsfromCubicTechnology? Wearetheonly officialdistributor ofeSUNinAustralia Fast shipping.Fastshippingtoallcapitalcities. CheckNow Complimentary freestandardshipping forallordersover$149 Earn points and saveupto10% withour RewardsProgram. LearnMore 30dayscredit termforgovernmentandeducationcustomers. LearnMore AdvantagesofeSUN3DFilaments Consistentlyhighquality Madefromgreat,high-performancematerials Readytoprintonanyopensourcedesktoporindustrialprinter Deliverexceptionalperformance eSUNPETGFilaments KeyBenefits: Combines thebenefitsofABS(stronger,temperatureresistant,moredurable)andPLA(easytoprint)inonematerial. High mechanical strength and excellent flexibility Excellentlayeradhesion. Lesswarpingandshrinkage. 100%recyclable. PrintingParameters: Print temperature:240~255℃ Bed temperature:80~90℃ Printing speed: 30~60mm/s Moving speed: 30~60mm/s Sharethis:ShareonFacebookTweetonTwitterShareonLinkedInPinonPinterest Yourecentlyviewed Clearrecentlyviewed Addedtoyourcart: **total_quantity**|**unit_price**/**unit_measure** (-) Cartsubtotal
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The eSun PETG 3D Filament combines the benefits of ABS and PLA filaments. It is an easy-to-print ...
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