Para Font - And A Half Design Studio
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Para Font is our take on a font specifically for mass transport systems. Taking cues from hand-painted signs, we created a font that would complement and ... AndAHalfCloseHomeWorkShopWorkshopsStudioContact[email protected]FacebookInstagramPrevParaFontProductDesignNextParaFontisourtakeonafontspecificallyformasstransportsystems–trains,buses,jeeps,andeventricycles.Oftentimes,signsorientedtocommutersinthesemodesoftransportaredesignedhaphazardly,concealingMetroManila’srichtypographiccharacter.Takingcuesfromhand-paintedsigns,wecreatedafontthatwouldcomplementandcoexistwiththeexistingtypographictraditionsofthecity–notreplaceit.Tags:ProductDevelopmentTypeDesign2020Purchasethefont:GumroadWatchourParaFontfeature:YoutubePrevNext
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Para - In 2016 we did start with an idea to create a typeface what can be both beautiful and brut...
- — excellent fonts for your project
Great collection of multilingual fonts from the best type foundries.
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Para Font Family. Jun 13, 2018. In 2016 we did start with an idea to create a typeface what can b...
- 4Para Font - And A Half Design Studio
Para Font is our take on a font specifically for mass transport systems. Taking cues from hand-pa...
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