HTML ISO Language Codes - W3docs
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ISO Language Codes¶ ... The HTML lang attribute declares the language of a web page or only a part of a web page. It is used to help search engines and browsers. HTMLBasicsHTMLIntroductionEditors&ToolsHTMLElementsHTMLBasicTagsHTMLAttributesHTMLHeadingsHTMLFormattingHTMLLinksHTMLListsHTMLColorsHTMLCommentsHTMLTablesHTMLBlocksHTMLScriptsHTMLStyles-CSSHTMLFilePathsHTMLComputercodeHTMLTemplatesLayoutTemplatesFormTemplatesHTML5HTML5IntroductionHTML5TagsSemanticElementsAudio&VideoHTML5BrowserSupportHTML5MigrationHTMLReferencesCharacterSetsASCIIISO-8859-1ISOLanguageCodesUTF-8EncodingHTMLEntitiesKeyboardShortcutsHTTPMethodsHTMLImagesHTTPStatusMessagesMIME-TypesTableofHTMLTagsXHTMLHTMLURLHTMLTagsDeprecatedTagsHTMLGlobalAttributesEventAttributes
- 1HTML Language Codes - List of Two Letter ... - Tutorial Republic
- 2HTML Language Codes - Dofactory
A Language Code is a 2-letter abbreviation that specifies a language. HTML uses ISO language code...
- 3HTML ISO Language Code Reference - W3Schools
ISO Language Codes. You should always include the lang attribute inside the <html> tag, to declar...
- 4List of All Locales and Their Short Codes? - Stack Overflow
List of all languages with names and ISO 639-1 codes in all languages and all data formats. Forma...
- 5Declaring language in HTML - World Wide Web Consortium ...
In some parts of your code you may have a problem. If you have multilingual text in the title ele...