潔西家- 被問說How do you take your coffee?... | Facebook
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被問說How do you take your coffee? 你會怎麼回答?答案放在下面一點點,賣個關子,不過要有個上下文情境就很容易了,你在別人家,對方手上拿著煮好 ... JumptoSectionsofthispageAccessibilityhelpPressalt+/toopenthismenuFacebookEmailorphonePasswordForgottenaccount?CreateNewAccountYou’reTemporarilyBlockedYou’reTemporarilyBlockedItlookslikeyou
- 1Morning Brew: How Do You Take Your Coffee? - Foothills ...
Other ways to take your coffee—without wrecking your diet; iced latte with almond milk, matcha la...
- 2潔西家- 被問說How do you take your coffee?... | Facebook
被問說How do you take your coffee? 你會怎麼回答?答案放在下面一點點,賣個關子,不過要有個上下文情境就很容易了,你在別人家,對方手上拿著煮好 ...
- 3How do you take your coffee? - Reddit
Bring 1 cup water to a boil. Remove top screen from filter, add coffee, then screw on top screen....
- 4出國買咖啡糗大了!外國店員問How do you take coffee
Kevin到矽谷出差,到咖啡廳點了一杯咖啡。店員問他:"How do you take your coffee?"結果他回答:"Can I have a bag?” 可不可以給我個.
- 5How do you take your coffee? - Quora