Catch 類別(System.Activities.Statements) | Microsoft Docs
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- 1Dreye權威釋義|catch
▸Cricket dismiss (a batsman) by catching the ball before it touches the ground. capture (a person...
- 2catch 的中文翻譯 | 英漢字典
catch 捕捉,陷阱,捕捉之物,抓,拉手(vt.)捕捉,趕上,感染,瞭解(vi.)抓住,燃著.
- 3Catch 類別(System.Activities.Statements) | Microsoft Docs
Catch 類別. 定義. 命名空間: System.Activities.Statements. 組件: System.Activities.dll. 包含在Finally 活動中對應的 Tr...
- 4catch - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
接住,抓住 I'll throw the ball and you catch it. 我扔球你接。 2. 逮住,捕獲 The policeman caught the thief. 警察逮住了...
- 5CATCH輕巧簡約- PChome 24h購物
CATCH輕巧簡約. ‧台北巿6小時到貨(試營運); ‧全台灣24小時到貨,遲到給100; ‧非北北基22:00~12:00間下單、離島、資訊不完整、 安裝商品、ATM或ibon付款者 ...