Data Frames - R
文章推薦指數: 80 %
data.frame{base}RDocumentation DataFrames Description Thefunctiondata.frame()createsdataframes,tightlycoupled collectionsofvariableswhichsharemanyofthepropertiesof matricesandoflists,usedasthefundamentaldatastructurebymost ofR'smodelingsoftware. Usage data.frame(...,row
- 1Create, Access, Modify and Delete Data Frame in R
Data frame is a two dimensional data structure in R. It is a special case of a list which has eac...
- 2R Data Frame: How to Create, Append, Select & Subset
We can create a dataframe in R by passing the variable a,b,c,d into the data.frame() function. We...
- 3R 列表變數與Data Frames - 頁4,共5 - G. T. Wang
Data Frames. R 的data frame 是一個用來儲存類似Excel 表格的變數類型,它跟矩陣類似,不過data frame 的每個行(column)可以儲存不同變數 ...
- 42 R 資料結構| 資料科學與R語言 - 曾意儒Yi-Ju Tseng
資料框是非常常見的二維資料格式,由一系列的欄位(Column)和列(Row)所組成,常見的Excel試算表也是類似的資料表現形式,可使用 data.frame() 來創建新 ...
- 5Examine a Data Frame in R with 7 Basic Functions | (R)very Day