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How's Your Day. 175 likes. 一個酷酷的東西。
- 114 Easy Ways to Respond to a "How Was Your Day?" Text
- 2[日常英語我會說] 老美的打招呼方式
4) How is your day? 「你今天過得如何?」下班後,跟朋友聚餐閒聊,用這句話問候再適當不過了。 5) What's up? 「近來好嗎?」What's new?
- 3只會說How are you? 8 組英文打招呼用語大集合!
How's your day? / How's today? 這兩句的意思比較偏向「今天過得如何?」或「今天好嗎?」,跟朋友下班小聚一下的時候適合用。
- 4how's your day-翻译为中文-例句英语 - Reverso Context
使用Reverso Context: So how's your day? - I'm sorry to hear that.,在英语-中文情境中翻译"how's your day"
- 5How's Your Day - Home - Facebook
How's Your Day. 175 likes. 一個酷酷的東西。