小米手機要在澳洲大展拳腳| Australian Chinese Daily
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- 1Xiaomi Global丨Official Website丨Mi.com - Mi Global Home
- 2小米澳洲官方ebay店铺开张全场8折!大家比比价啊! - 澳洲打折
买之前大家可以去天猫淘宝比比价,都有直邮的。 地址:https://www.ebay.com.au/str/miofficialstore ...
- 3Xiaomi Mi Official Store | eBay Stores
Xiaomi offers Australian Standards certified products with local warranty support and after sales...
- 4小米将进军澳大利亚市场小米9“打头阵”_Mi-store - 搜狐网
《澳大利亚财经评论》消息称,小米将与经销商Panmi合作。Mi-store.com.au网站显示,Panmi将在该国运营在线Mi Store和几家授权Mi商店。
- 5Xiaomi | Buy discount Xiaomi from Dick Smith
Xiaomi Dreame V9 Cordless Vacuum Cleaner (AU/NZ Model). star. (17). $279. Don't Pay $359. Sold by...