Prove that NAND and NOR gates are Universal gates - Ques10
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The above diagrams makes it clear that the combination of NAND and NOR Gates can result into any of the basic gates (AND, OR and NOT Gates). Ask Search AskQuestion Login × × Welcomeback. and5othersjoinedaminago. ContinuewithGoogle Continuewithemail 0 28kviews ProvethatNANDandNORgatesareUniversalgates written3.7yearsagoby vedantchikhale •510 modified2.8yearsago by abhishektiwari1 •100 digitalsystemdesign ADDCOMMENT FOLLOW SHARE EDIT 1Answer 3 3.6kviews written3.7yearsagoby vedantchikhale •510 • modified3.7yearsago NANDGate ThetruthtableandsymboloftheNANDgateisasshownbelow.ThetwoinputsareAandB. NANDGateasNOTGate NANDGateasORGate NANDGateasANDGate NORGate ThetruthtableandsymboloftheNORgateisasshownbelow. NORGateasNOTGate NORGateasORGate NORGateasANDGate TheabovediagramsmakesitclearthatthecombinationofNANDandNORGatescanresultintoanyofthebasicgates(AND,ORandNOTGates).Hence,NANDandNORGatesarecalledasUniversalGates. ADDCOMMENT SHARE EDIT Pleaselogintoaddananswer. Community Users Levels Badges Content Allposts Tags Dashboard Company About Team Privacy Joinourteam
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