R&B 催淚情歌

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在Apple Music 聆聽Apple Music R&B精選的「R&B 催淚情歌」。

串流〈My Little Love〉、〈Talking to the Moon〉等更多歌曲。

登入 搜尋 立即聆聽 瀏覽 廣播 搜尋 登入 R&B催淚情歌 AppleMusicR&B 一首好歌不僅僅是動聽的音樂,更要能唱進心坎裡。



試聽 歌曲 藝人 專輯 時長 MyLittleLove Adele Adele 30 6:29 試聽 TalkingtotheMoon BrunoMars BrunoMars Doo-Wops&Hooligans(DeluxeVersion) 3:37 試聽 HeartbreakAnniversary GIVĒON GIVĒON WhenIt'sAllSaidAndDone...TakeTime 3:18 試聽 Can'tLetYouGo AliGatie AliGatie TheIdeaOfHer 3:24 試聽 Hard4Me2LoveYou SineadHarnett SineadHarnett ReadyIsAlwaysTooLate 3:50 試聽 HardToLove H.E.R. H.E.R. BackofMyMind(AppleMusicEdition) 4:02 試聽 ToDieFor SamSmith SamSmith ToDieFor-Single 3:13 試聽 GoodDays SZA SZA GoodDays-Single 4:39 試聽 Control ZoeWees ZoeWees Control-Single 3:50 試聽 IfICould CharlotteDayWilson CharlotteDayWilson ALPHA 3:03 試聽 BuildMeUp CleoSol CleoSol Mother 8:02 試聽 Imissyou,I’msorry GracieAbrams GracieAbrams minor 2:47 試聽 SomeoneYouLoved LewisCapaldi LewisCapaldi DivinelyUninspiredToAHellishExtent 3:02 試聽 YouSaveMe(feat.SnohAalegra) AliciaKeys AliciaKeys ALICIA 3:41 試聽 ALittleBitYours JPSaxe JPSaxe ALittleBitYours-Single 3:45 試聽 EasyOnMe Adele Adele 30 3:44 試聽 Sometimes(Backwood) gigi gigi Sometimes(Backwood)-Single 2:33 試聽 Home JorjaSmith JorjaSmith BeRightBack 2:46 試聽 HauntedHouse HollyHumberstone HollyHumberstone HauntedHouse-Single 2:13 試聽 DearApril(SideA-Acoustic) FrankOcean FrankOcean DearApril(SideA-Acoustic)-Single 3:51 試聽 NobodyButYou Sonder和JorjaSmith Sonder 和JorjaSmith NobodyButYou-Single 3:33 試聽 ForAnyone H.E.R. H.E.R. BackofMyMind(AppleMusicEdition) 3:54 試聽 ThoughtIt'dBeEasy Emanuel Emanuel AltTherapySession1:Disillusion-EP 3:40 試聽 WrongDirection HaileeSteinfeld HaileeSteinfeld WrongDirection-Single 4:08 試聽 TreadingWater Emawk Emawk TreadingWater-Single 4:12 試聽 StuckOnYou GIVĒON GIVĒON WhenIt'sAllSaidAndDone...TakeTime 3:25 試聽 tearmyselfapart TateMcRae TateMcRae tearmyselfapart-Single 2:48 試聽 Falling HarryStyles HarryStyles FineLine 4:00 試聽 KnowThatYouAreLoved CleoSol CleoSol Mother 3:22 試聽 Dropout DylanSinclair DylanSinclair Proverb 2:59 試聽 HurtMeNow QuinnLewis QuinnLewis HurtMeNow-Single 3:05 試聽 Courage LianneLaHavas LianneLaHavas LianneLaHavas 3:38 試聽 LetItGo SummerWalker SummerWalker LifeOnEarth-EP 3:11 試聽 Selfish MadisonBeer MadisonBeer Selfish-Single 3:43 試聽 MeanIt H.E.R. H.E.R. BackofMyMind(AppleMusicEdition) 3:17 試聽 Attention. KianaLedé KianaLedé KIKI 3:22 試聽 PrayYouCatchMe 碧昂絲 碧昂絲 Lemonade 3:15 試聽 DropDead HollyHumberstone HollyHumberstone FallingAsleepattheWheel-EP 2:57 試聽 Surrender NatalieTaylor NatalieTaylor Surrender-Single 3:03 試聽 Feel FLETCHER FLETCHER THES(EX)TAPES 3:02 試聽 ThisCity SamFischer SamFischer ThisCity-Single 3:14 試聽 SUPERPOSITION(feat.JohnMayer) DanielCaesar DanielCaesar CASESTUDY01 4:23 試聽 PastLife TrevorDaniel和席琳娜 TrevorDaniel 和席琳娜 PastLife-Single 3:06 試聽 Lonely NoahCyrus NoahCyrus THEENDOFEVERYTHING 2:24 試聽 ICanSeeTheChange Celeste Celeste ICanSeeTheChange-Single 3:37 試聽 LoveNow Marieme Marieme LoveNow-Single 2:17 試聽 ShortandSweet BrittanyHoward BrittanyHoward Jaime 3:44 試聽 TooGoodatGoodbyes SamSmith SamSmith TheThrillofItAll(SpecialVideoEdition) 3:21 試聽 MoraloftheStory Ashe Ashe MoraloftheStory-Single 3:21 試聽 NothingWithoutYou Tanerélle Tanerélle NothingWithoutYou-Single 5:18 試聽 SAMESIDE JessieReyez JessieReyez BEFORELOVECAMETOKILLUS 3:10 試聽 LoseYoutoLoveMe 席琳娜 席琳娜 LoseYoutoLoveMe-Single 3:26 試聽 OutofLove AlessiaCara AlessiaCara ThePainsofGrowing 3:47 試聽 ILoveYou CleoSol CleoSol RoseintheDark 2:57 試聽 Speak JhenéAiko JhenéAiko Chilombo 3:05 試聽 Renee'sSong Bazzi Bazzi Renee'sSong-Single 2:10 試聽 Alone! HenryVerus HenryVerus Alone!-Single 3:00 試聽 youweregoodtome JeremyZucker和ChelseaCutler JeremyZucker 和ChelseaCutler brent-EP 3:39 試聽 NeedYou Emanuel Emanuel NeedYou-Single 4:15 試聽 I'mNotOK H.E.R. H.E.R. IUsedtoKnowHer 3:25 試聽 fakesmile ArianaGrande ArianaGrande thanku,next 3:28 試聽 Njoy SnohAalegra SnohAalegra -Ugh,thosefeelsagain 1:21 試聽 Session32 SummerWalker SummerWalker Session32-Single 1:38 試聽 July NoahCyrus和LeonBridges NoahCyrus 和LeonBridges July-Single 2:32 試聽 everythingiwanted BillieEilish BillieEilish everythingiwanted-Single 4:05 試聽 Godspeed FrankOcean FrankOcean Blonde 2:57 試聽 Imissyou,I’msorry GracieAbrams GracieAbrams Imissyou,I’msorry-Single 2:47 試聽 Alive Khalid Khalid FreeSpirit 2:57 試聽 VANISH GIVĒON GIVĒON TAKETIME 3:29 試聽 Misunderstood LuckyDaye LuckyDaye Painted 4:07 試聽 Mountains CharlotteDayWilson CharlotteDayWilson ALPHA(Deluxe) 4:09 試聽 YouAretheReason CalumScott CalumScott OnlyHuman(Deluxe) 3:24 試聽 whentheparty'sover BillieEilish BillieEilish WHENWEALLFALLASLEEP,WHEREDOWEGO? 3:16 試聽 Protection. KianaLedé KianaLedé KIKI 3:52 試聽 TOODEEPTOTURNBACK DanielCaesar DanielCaesar CASESTUDY01 5:18 試聽 HardPlace H.E.R. H.E.R. HardPlace-Single 4:31 試聽 Hurts2BHuman(feat.Khalid) 紅粉佳人 紅粉佳人 Hurts2BHuman 3:22 試聽 Jerome Lizzo Lizzo CuzILoveYou 3:51 試聽 MakeYourTroublesGoAway AndraDay AndraDay MakeYourTroublesGoAway-Single 3:33 試聽 Fragile ErynAllenKane ErynAllenKane Fragile-Single 4:02 試聽 Charleville9200,Pt.II SnohAalegra SnohAalegra -Ugh,thosefeelsagain 2:59 試聽 LetMeDown(feat.Stormzy) JorjaSmith JorjaSmith LetMeDown(feat.Stormzy)-Single 3:08 試聽 BestThingINeverHad 碧昂絲 碧昂絲 4(ExpandedEdition) 4:13 試聽 Stay(feat.MikkyEkko) 蕾哈娜 蕾哈娜 Unapologetic(DeluxeVersion) 4:00 試聽 SomeoneLikeYou Adele Adele 21 4:45 試聽 LetItGo JamesBay JamesBay ChaosandtheCalm 4:22 試聽 LayMeDown SamSmith SamSmith IntheLonelyHour(DrowningShadowsVideosEdition) 4:13 試聽 Blessed DanielCaesar DanielCaesar Freudian 4:01 試聽 MySong H.E.R. H.E.R. MySong-Single 5:50 試聽 SelfControl FrankOcean FrankOcean Blonde 4:09 試聽 FixYou Coldplay Coldplay X&Y 4:54 試聽 White KyleDion KyleDion SUGA(Deluxe) 4:39 試聽 Silence MarcoMcKinnis MarcoMcKinnis Underground-EP 2:58 試聽 Coaster Khalid Khalid AmericanTeen 3:19 試聽 LoveIsaLosingGame AmyWinehouse AmyWinehouse BacktoBlack 2:35 試聽 TryandYouTry CleoSol CleoSol WinterSongs-EP 4:58 試聽 LovedbyYou KIRBY KIRBY LovedbyYou-Single 4:16 試聽 Burn(ConfessionsSpecialEditionVersion) 亞瑟小子 亞瑟小子 愛的告白 3:51 試聽 Won'tLiveHere DanielCaesar DanielCaesar Won'tLiveHere-Single 5:12 試聽 DancingOnMyOwn CalumScott CalumScott OnlyHuman(Deluxe) 4:20 試聽 100首歌曲・6小時3分鐘 精選藝人 Adele BrunoMars GIVĒON AliGatie SineadHarnett H.E.R. SamSmith
