<醫藥小專欄>什麼是資料專屬權(data exclusivity)? - 台灣光鹽 ...
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資料專屬權(Data Exclusivity )是指原廠(第一個新藥開發廠)提出新藥上市申請時,所檢具證明安全性及療效之各種相關申請資料,其他藥商非經原廠 ... 首頁1最新消息2生技醫藥資訊交流站32016/10/28什麼是資料專屬權(dataexclusivity)?4Missingparameters[image] 最新消息
- 1Data exclusivity | European Medicines Agency
Data exclusivity. The period of eight years from the initial authorisation of a medicine during w...
Data exclusivity is a tool that recognizes and rewards the time, effort, and economic investments...
- 3Data Exclusivity - WHO | World Health Organization
While data exclusivity and patents are the two most critical and, hence, relevant intellectual pr...
- 4Test data exclusivity - Wikipedia
""Data exclusivity" refers to the period during which the data of the original marketing authoris...
- 5Data exclusivity for medicinal products in Europe
The rationale for granting data and market exclusivity is to compensate the innovator company for...