How to pronounce in English - ELSA Speak
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Practice pronunciation of any English word with ELSA advanced technology. ... Let's hear how you pronounce it. adjust. Say the word ... Product LearnEnglish HowtoPronounce ExperienceELSA EnglishforCompanies EnglishforCompanies Plans PartnerLogin EnglishforSchools EnglishforSchools Plans FreeGiftsforEducators Blog English English TiếngViệt Howtopronounce PracticepronunciationofanyEnglishwordwithELSAadvancedtechnology. PracticepronunciationofanyEnglishwordwithELSAadvancedtechnology. Startwithawordyouwanttolearn Step1 Listentothepronunciation adjust [əˈdʒʌst] Definition: alterormove(something)slightlyinordertoachievethedesiredfit,appearance,orresult Examples: hesmoothedhishairandadjustedhistie theinsuranceagentmayhavetheresponsibilityofadjustingsmalllosses Listentotheword Step2 Let'shearhowyoupronounceit adjust Saytheword Step3 Explorehowotherssayit SubscribetoProAccess LearnMoreAboutELSAPro AnybodycanspeakEnglishwithconfidence Asseenin JoinmillionsofusersspeakingEnglishmoreconfidentlywithELSA JoinmillionsofusersspeakingEnglishmoreconfidentlywithELSA ForIndividuals ELSAProSubscriptionELSAasaGift ForOrganizations EnglishforSchoolsEnglishforCompaniesELSAAPI Company AboutUsCareersAffiliatesBlog CustomerHelp FAQsContactUsRedeemCode
- 1ADJUST的英語發音
- 2How to pronounce adjust |
How to say adjust in English? Pronunciation of adjust with 5 audio pronunciations, 44 synonyms, 8...
- 3How to pronounce adjust in English - Forvo
How to pronounce adjust in English. The definition of adjust is: alter or regulate so as to achie...
- 4adjust sentence examples - American pronunciation - YouTube
- 5adjust - pronunciation of adjust by Macmillan Dictionary
adjustDefinitions and Synonyms . verb. /əˈdʒʌst/.. Click to listen to the pronunciation of ad...