Hi all vs. Hi everybody - Pain in the English
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'Hi All' is used to address multiple people in email or instant messages. At times it is used in hurried speech to address an audience of people. It seems to me ... YourPainIsOurPleasure 24-HourProofreadingService—WeproofreadyourGoogle
- 1【商業Email】Opening用Hi定Dear好? 邊種開場白最百搭
5. HI, everyone 有時候send email的對象不止1人,可能同時有好幾位收信者,不少人用Dear All來寫開首,而這個寫法其實有點突兀。如果真的要寫email給 ...
- 2The greetings you should avoid when writing an email - The ...
- 3Hi all錯在哪?商業用Email小心一開場白就失禮! - 風傳媒
Hi, Mike 打招呼和名字要一氣呵成,不要分開,中間不需要有逗號。 在商業email往來中常見的正確招呼語有以下這幾種:. Hi Mike,. Hello ...
- 4沒人告訴你的商業Email錯誤 - 今周刊
(X)Dear Both, 兩種用法都是台灣人自行發明,往來國外email請避免。 (O)Hello/Hi, (O)Hi Everyone, (O)Dear Team Members, (O)H...
- 5How to Start a Professional Email: 7 Greetings to Use and 10 ...
Just keep in mind "Hi there" may not be appropriate for formal emails. Hi everyone,. This email g...