IDS uEye - Micro-Manager
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Summary: Controls IDS uEye cameras. Author: Wenjamin Rosenfeld. License: BSD. Platforms: Linux, Windows. Devices: IDS uEye USB cameras, including Thorlabs ... Editpage History HowdoIeditthiswebsite? Summary: ControlsIDSuEyecameras Author: WenjaminRosenfeld License: BSD Platforms: Linux,Windows Devices: IDSuEyeUSBcameras,includingThorlabsDCUxxxxUSBandsomeEdmund EO-xxxxM/CUSBwithIDShardware AdapterVersion: 1.3 AvailableSinceVersion: 1.4.15 Configurationfile: MMConfig_uEye.cfg RequiresdriversfromIDS(version4.30orhigher),whichcanbe downloadedfromtheIDS site. Supportedfeatures Monochromeandcolorcameras.Theavailablemodes/bitdepthscanbe selectedinthepropertiesbrowser(“PixelType”). Gain. Binning. ROI. External/internaltriggering. Notes Forcolor,currentlyonlythemodes“BGRA8”and“RGBA8”are supported. The“Framerate”propertywillnotnecessarilyaffecttherealframe rateinthelive-modeforeverycameramodel.Itdoes,however, determinethemaximalexposuretime. Gammacorrectionisdeactivated. Ifseveralcamerasareconnected,currentlyonlythefirstcamerain thelistwillbeaddressed. WithLinuxandOpenJDK,usingthecolormodesmaycauseproblems (monochromemodeswork),withSun/OracleJDKallmodeswork. GitHub Email ©µManagerDesign:HTML5UP
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The IDS Camera Manager is a central and straightforward tool for managing your uEye industrial ca...
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Summary: Controls IDS uEye cameras. Author: Wenjamin Rosenfeld. License: BSD. Platforms: Linux, W...
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The latest uEye driver is available on our website http:// ... software pack...
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