「睡過頭」的英文怎麼說? - 中英物語ChToEn 知道
文章推薦指數: 80 %
睡過頭的英文例句. I overslept this morning and missed the bus to school. I overslept on the train and missed my stop... 睡過頭的英文怎麼說?★ 睡過頭的英文怎麼說睡過頭的英文例句Ioversleptthismorningandmissedthebustoschool.Ioversleptonthetrainandmissedmystop.Ioftengetuplateonweekends.Ioftensleeplat
- 1「睡過頭」的英文怎麼說? - 中英物語ChToEn 知道
睡過頭的英文例句. I overslept this morning and missed the bus to school. I overslept on the train and mis...
- 2不小心睡過頭英文-2021-04-06 | 說愛你
不小心睡過頭英文相關資訊,【道地英文】sleep over 不是「睡過頭」!那賴床、起床氣、補眠...2016年3月24日· 想睡覺的時候只會說“I want to ...
- 3常講錯的六個英文校園用語:睡過頭不是「sleep over」喔- The ...
我不小心睡過頭,錯過今天早上的課了。 Since starting college, I often sleep through my alarm. Maybe I should be more...
- 4【道地英文】sleep over 不是「睡過頭」!那賴床、起床氣、補 ...
- 5【日常英文】『睡過頭、失眠』的英文該怎麼說? - 希平方
Katie missed the train this morning because she accidentally overslept. (Katie 今天早上錯過火車,因為她不小心睡過頭...