What does 厉害 mean, and in what context does it mean what ...
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An idiomatic English translation of 厉害 might be something like "beast" or "monster." Such a person might be "very capable." Or else overly harsh, strict, or ... ChineseLanguageStackExchangeisaquestionandanswersiteforstudents,teachers,andlingui
- 1厉害的解释|厉害的意思|汉典“厉害”词语的解释
厉害 lì hài (变)lì hai ㄌㄧˋ ㄏㄞˋ (变)ㄌㄧˋ ˙ㄏㄞ. 猛烈、高强。《文明小史》第四九回:「快把这人交给我,万事全无。如若不然──哼哼──你可知我的 ...
- 2很厉害- Translation into English - examples Chinese | Reverso ...
Translations in context of "很厉害" in Chinese-English from Reverso Context: 真的很厉害.
- 3厲害- 维基词典,自由的多语言词典
正體/繁體 (厲害), 厲 · 害 · 簡體 (厉害), 厉 · 害. 異體, 利害. 讀音编辑 · 官話. (拼音):lìhài ... xaɪ̯⁵¹/ → /li⁵¹ xaɪ̯¹/; 同音詞...
- 4Is "厉害" a positiv or a negative word? My dictionary tells ... - italki
In what context is it usually used? If I tell someone "你是个很厉害的人“, will it be perceived as a compl...
- 5厲害了,我的國- 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - Wikipedia
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