Dreye權威釋義| certainly
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- 1certainly possible - 英中– Linguee词典
It is certainly possible that some technical services could be considered to be covered by the me...
- 2英文詞性必勝秘笈-副詞-[ certainly ]英文詞性 - 英文995
certainly. ['sə:tənli]. adv.當然, 一定. 例句與用法:. She certainly bears you no malice. 她對你的確並無惡意。 Certain...
- 3Dreye權威釋義| certainly
certainly. 添加到生字筆記. KK:[ˈsɝtǝnlɪ] DJ:[ˈsǝːtǝnli]. 權威釋義. 英語. ad. 無疑地;必定;確實. They will certainly su...
- 4certainly 在英語-中文(繁體)詞典中的翻譯 - Cambridge ...
certainly adverb (IN NO DOUBT). A2. used to reply completely or to emphasize something and show t...
- 5certainly的中文翻釋和情境影片範例- VoiceTube 翻譯字典
adv. 的確; 無疑; 一定; 必定; 當然; 好; 當然可以; 不錯; 的確是那樣; 必然地; 保管; 必; 定; 定當; 定然;. 例句. I will certainly attend ...