What does 'EZ CLAP' mean? - Blizzard Forums
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And why do people spam it in all chat at the end of the match? ... Because EZ CLAP. ... EZ as in Easy. ... :clap: dem cheeks. So it basically means ... Whatdoes'EZCLAP'mean? GeneralDiscussion Heldmaschine-21698 January9,2021,4:04pm #1 Andwhydopeoplespamitinallchatattheendofthematch? SYSTEM-21599 January9,2021,4:05pm #2 BecauseEZCLAP. NightLegend-21450 January9,2021,4:07pm #3 EZasinEasy. Clapasindemcheeks. SoitbasicallymeansyoudominatedthegamewithEASExqcLomegalulKEKW. RedRobbie7-1484 January9,2021,4:08pm #4 Itbasicallymeans‘easywin’. Iguessitismeanttomeansomeoneclappingattheendofamatchbecauseitwassoeasytowin.Ortheclapmeansyouclappedtheenemies’cheeks(again,meaningEZ). It’slikesayingGGEZbasically. TheSmashKid-1702 January9,2021,4:08pm #5 Itmeansliketheywereeasilydefeated HanaSolo-11721 January9,2021,4:09pm #6 Itmeans“Ihaveyettofindasenseofprideindoinganythingproductiveinmylife.” 2Likes FruityXNinja-11850 January9,2021,4:10pm #7 It’stoxicbehaviornobetterthantbaggingorvoicelinespamming. Onlythisfeelsevenmorechildishthanthe‘xdiff’trend. Heldmaschine-21698 January9,2021,5:23pm #8 Oh,Isee.Thanksfortheexplanations.
- 1Ez Clap - 公會簡介
Ez Clap. 伊利丹. 495 · 1 成員. 建立於2018. 公會 · 成就. 今日訊息. 你是此公會的成員嗎?請登入以查看公會今日訊息。 最近達成的成就.
- 2Ez Clap 專輯- RDH xff - KKBOX
RDH xff的專輯「Ez Clap」在這裡,快打開KKBOX 盡情收聽。
- 3What does 'EZ CLAP' mean? - Blizzard Forums
And why do people spam it in all chat at the end of the match? ... Because EZ CLAP. ... EZ as in ...
- 4發現ez clap 的熱門影片 - TikTok
在TikTok 上發現與ez clap有關的短片。 查看以下創作者的熱門內容:Armando(@123armando321), Rick.(@servesitas123), (@tono.fna...
- 5Alan Aztec - EZ Clap - YouTube