Porting Raspberry Pi graphics -- VC4 DRM driver (350h)
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Raspberry Pi is a very popular ARM board. It has a modern graphical driver, VC4. NetBSD already supports several DRM drivers (from Linux 4.4), living in sys/ ... Skiptomaincontent. Navigation: Home Recentchanges NetBSDblog Presentations About Developers Gallery Ports Packages Documentation FAQ&HOWTOs TheGuide Manualpages Wiki Support Community Mailinglists Bugreports Security Developers CVSWeb Mercurial Cross-reference Releaseengineering Projectslist Edit Comment Source History New RecentChanges Contact:port-arm Mentors:port-arm Durationestimate:350h RaspberryPiisaverypopularARMboard. Ithasamoderngraphicaldriver,VC4. NetBSDalreadysupportsseveralDRMdrivers(fromLinux4.4),livinginsys/external/bsd/drm2.AdaptingthisonewillmakeRaspberryPiworkbetteroutofthebox. Whilethisprojectrequireshardware,wecanhelpwithsupplyingaRaspberryPiifneeded. Milestonesforthisproject: VC4driverbuildsaspartofnetbsdsourcetree(nohardwareaccessneeded) AdjustdevicetreeconfigurationsoVC4driverisused Ironoutbugsthatappearfromrunningit Addacomment Tags: ?category:kernel ?difficulty:medium gsoc ?gsoc350h ?project ?status:active Lasteditedmid-morningTuesday,March1st,2022 Preferences|Logout Contact| Disclaimer| Copyright©1994-2022TheNetBSDFoundation,Inc. ALL RIGHTSRESERVED.NetBSD®isaregistered trademarkofTheNetBSDFoundation,Inc.
- 1drm/vc4 Broadcom VC4 Graphics Driver - The Linux Kernel ...
The Broadcom VideoCore 4 (present in the Raspberry Pi) contains a OpenGL ES 2.0-compatible 3D eng...
- 2I am working on the Raspberry Pi 4 Mesa V3D driver
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- 3Raspberry Pi VC4 - Gentoo Wiki
Using the "VC4" driver on the raspberry pi to enable hardware acceleration (in X, Wayland, opengl...
- 4Raspberry Pi 4 Graphics Driver Update Improves 4K Output
The developer trying to bring support to the Linux kernel, Maxime Ripard, has revised the DRM of ...
- 5vc4-kms-v3d driver not working with custom HDMI mode ...
The max pixel clock for vc4-kms-v3d is dictated by the driver, and there's no override provided. ...