I have no time
po文清單文章推薦指數: 80 %
關於「I have no time」標籤,搜尋引擎有相關的訊息討論:
- 1In No Time的意思 - 希平方
But follow these sensible tips, and you'll be a solo shopping pro in no time! 不過照著這些明智的步驟做,你馬上就能變...
- 2no time ≠ 沒空、no call ≠ 沒電話?別被「NO」誤導的英文用法
If you say that you have no time for a person or thing, you mean you do not like them or approve ...
- 3no time 中文- 英語翻譯 - 查查綫上辭典
no time中文意思::繼續比賽…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋no time的中文翻譯,no time的發音,三態,音標,用法和造句等。
- 4no time不是指沒空、no call也無關打電話?3種被"NO"誤導的 ...
If you say that you have no time for a person or thing, you mean you do not like them or approve ...
- 5【英文謬誤】in no time是有空?還是沒空? - Medium
in time 是及時,「在許可範圍內」,尚未到最後一秒都還來得及、剛好壓線。on time是準時,「在既定時間上」,不早也不晚。 Cancer can be curable if ...