Imprinting 中文

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印痕作用(Imprinting)-偽親子關係 - 科學Online - 國立臺灣大學2010年8月24日 · 印痕作用(Imprinting」)-偽親子關係 天主教聖心女子高級中學生物科許家榕老師/國立台灣師範大學生命科學系張永達副教授責任編輯. | Imprinting - 銘印 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙Imprinting. 金瑞芝. 2000年12月 教育大辭書. 名詞解釋: 銘印係動物行為學家羅倫茲(K.Z. Lorenz)所提出的概念,係指動物在初生的一至兩天,會對某些刺激感覺特別敏銳, ... | imprinting - 印記 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙出處/學術領域, 英文詞彙, 中文詞彙. 學術名詞 實驗動物及比較醫學名詞, imprinting, 銘印. 學術名詞 生物學名詞-植物, imprinting, 印痕. 學術名詞 食品科技 | Seeds - Imprinting (銘記現象) 是由一位奧地利動物心理學博士Konrad...給所有聰明、好奇、關心地球的小朋友們。

電子雜誌iPad & Android 版訂閱 Local Profile: GL Imprinting | Syracuse University News2021年3月24日 · GL Imprinting was started to create sustainability for the Good Life Foundation and its programming efforts, which include training for children ... tw | twChemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering - Proceedings ...As comparation, percent desorption of Cu(II) ions- imprinted to SIIB was higher ... T.Y. Hsien and G.L. Rorrer, “Heterogenous Cross- Linking of Chitosan Gel ...Memory, Imprinting, and the Brain: An Inquiry into Mechanisms... J.L. 149 Roberts , M.V.B. 12 , 32 Robertson , T.W. 198 Robinson , D.L. 67 ... 229 , 230 Rasmussen , G.L. 288 , 298 Schramm , S. 28 Schreiner , L.H. 300 ...Stem Cells in Human Reproduction: Basic Science and Therapeutic ...Chuang LS, Ian HI, Koh TW, et al. ... Genomic imprinting disrupted by a maternal effect mutation in the Dnmt1 gene. ... Bourc'his D, Xu GL, Lin CS, et al.Pediatric Bone: Biology and DiseasesSeifert R, Wenzel-Seifert K, Lee TW, Gether U, Sanders-Bush E, Kobilka BK. ... Progressive osseous heteroplasia: a model for the imprinting effects of GNAS ...Cancer Metastasis: Biologic Basis and Therapeutics(2003) Loss of IGF2 imprinting: a potential marker of colorectal cancer ... Xu GL, Bestor TH, Bourc'his D et al. ... Richon VM, Sandhoff TW, Rifkind RA, ...
