po文清單文章推薦指數: 80 %
- 1Chronic exposure to pyrethroid-based allethrin and prallethrin ...
Allethrin and prallethrin (Fig. 1, Fig. 2) are the chief constituents of various mosquito repelle...
- 2Prallethrin - Wikipedia
Prallethrin is a pyrethroid insecticide. Prallethrin 1.6% w/w liquid vaporizer is a repellent ins...
- 3Prallethrin | Sigma-Aldrich
Allethrin and prallethrin stimulates MUC5AC expression through oxidative stress in human airway e...
- 4prallethrin - Wiktionary
EnglishEdit. NounEdit. prallethrin (uncountable). English Wikipedia has an article on: prallethri...
- 5電蚊香對人體有害嗎?了解主成分「除蟲菊」 | 健康知識+ - 元氣網
這位讀者提到的Prallethrin,是音譯為普亞列寧。但是,我認為,較好的翻譯是用它的化學名,也就是「丙炔菊酯」。 「菊酯 ...