Use instead of
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· 瞭解原因The difference between GL-4 and GL-5 explained - Rymax Lubricants2020年9月9日 · The main difference between GL-4 and GL-5 gear oils is the amount of EP additives. Sulphur/Phosphorus containing products are used as ... tw | twTwitter - Apps on Google Play評分 3.7 (19,114,273) · 免費 · AndroidJoin the conversation! Expand your social network and stay updated on what's trending now. Retweet, chime in on a thread, go viral, or just scroll through ...The Monthly Army List... G. B. 8796 -- J. O. F. 8800 R. S. D. 507a G. L. 5496 J. H._1576 , 776a , 945 ... G. L. - T. W. , Wt . Offr . 907a Moray , J. W. 37ва 6826 Rev.Electronic Properties of Materials: A Guide to the Literature ...99 4t 1 4 & / w 1 99.4 g : ggs' 41 wal gl tw t 91 29 c. 9t Y 9p w \ 0.1 g g : 622 w". 9tz wi 4 get t 90 t w 1 go/91 * * * * * ** ( 91 2g 1 g 1 * c ...Grain Inspection Manual: Covering the Sampling, Inspection, ...... SHIPPER ACCOUNT COMBINED LOT LOADING LOG 5 o WEATHER 8 GL TW M o GL INSI ... LI SAMPLE ACTORS FACTORS MET HUD USED ( 26 ) DIVENTEN TYPE WOODSIDE EL !!Index-catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon-General's Office, ...Kirchenu ( G. L. ) TW docuw : should be του λοιμον : : Page 447 , 2. col .-- Trinkquellen ( Die ) . [ 1809 ) should be ( 1869. ) Page 449 , 1. col .
- 1instead of vs. instead 而不是vs. 反而 - 莓喵英文Fun
instead of「而非,而不是」之意。為介系詞,後接名詞或名詞片語。of後若為動詞須改為動名詞。 instead 是副詞,後面承接子句,意為「反而」。
- 2文法講座三十二:連接詞「不是A 而是B」not A but B - 大學堂 ...
連接詞「not A but B」意指「不是A 而是B」,其中A 和B 詞性時態要對稱相等。 若A 和B 為主詞時,動詞與靠近的主詞一致。
- 3英文比一比:「instead」和「instead of」的用法及差異
✒ 副詞instead可置於句中、句首、句尾,表「(不是…)而是…;反而…」。 It might rain tomorrow, so let's hold the barbecue indoor...
- 4[詞彙區別] rather than 與instead of 的用法區別
1. instead of 是介係詞,意思為「代替; 寧願」,instead of 需搭配名詞或動名詞(ving )。 He chose tea instead of coffee. 他選擇了茶...
- 5【老師救救我】instead 跟instead of看似差異不大,其實差很大!
首先我們要知道,instead of 意思是「而不是」,它是一個介係詞的角色,介係詞後面會接上名詞,所以你會看到這樣的句子:. 1. I'm on a diet now.