high-entropy alloys
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關於「high-entropy alloys」標籤,搜尋引擎有相關的訊息討論:
High-Entropy Alloys: A Critical ReviewThis new concept, first proposed in. 1995,[1] has been named a high-entropy alloy (HEA).[2]. HEAs are defined as alloys with five or more princi- pal elements.[PDF] Intermetallic Phases in High-Entropy Alloys - MDPI2019年2月19日 · Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung 402, Taiwan; [email protected] (R.C.T.); ...Database on the mechanical properties of high entropy alloys and ...High entropy alloys (HEAs) and complex concentrated alloys (CCAs) ... Chen G.L. Atomic packing efficiency and phase transition in a high entropy alloy. tw | twNanoprecipitate‐Strengthened High‐Entropy Alloys - Liu2021年10月22日 · Abstract Multicomponent high-entropy alloys (HEAs) can be tuned to a simple phase with some unique alloy characteristics.Microstructure and Compressive Properties of NbTiVTaAlx High ...2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of MRS-Taiwan. Keywords: High entropy alloy; solid solution; ...Novel Si-added CrCoNi medium entropy alloys achieving the ...2021年1月1日 · The major challenge is the loss of ductility with the increase in strength [3,4], which is universally applicable even for medium/high entropy ...圖片全部顯示Guidelines in predicting phase formation of high-entropy alloysThe emerging high-entropy alloys (HEAs) have received increasing attention ... G.L.: Atomic packing efficiency and phase transition in a high entropy alloy. tw | twDevelopment of a novel high-entropy alloy with eminent efficiency of ...2016年9月28日 · The excellent capability of our high-entropy alloys in degrading azo dye is attributed to their unique atomic structure with severe lattice ...Kinetic ways of tailoring phases in high entropy alloys - Nature2016年9月30日 · The comprehensive performance of high entropy alloys (HEAs) depends on the phase selection significantly. However, up to now, ...
- 1發明起源
葉均蔚教授—國立清華大學材料科學工程系的知名學者,擁有許多發明與專利,而其中最為人 ... 頂尖國際期刊「自然」(Nature)更主動以專題報導稱他為高熵合金的第一人。
- 2再造元素週期表新生命--高熵合金-工程技術
- 3高熵合金之父葉均蔚再獲國際殊榮
國際合作方面,葉均蔚的團隊也與日本材料科學研究院(NIMS)合作引擎葉片耐高溫噴塗,並將與德國知名團隊合作開發高熵超合金(high-entropy superalloys) ...
- 4沿革 - 清華大學高熵材料研發中心
高熵材料領域源於我國,係葉均蔚教授及其團隊於清華大學所開創的新領域,葉均蔚 ... 首度披露並公開發表5篇高熵合金論文,之後平均每年發表10篇高熵合金論文,此一發明 ...
- 5【上報人物葉均蔚】有一種哲學叫做「熵」 MIT煉金博士唱給你 ...
理論是葉均蔚發明的,作為「高熵合金之父」,這個名字也是他取的,葉均蔚睜著圓圓的眼睛,興奮地說起孩子的名字。 「『熵』這個字,不只是一種現象, ...