Paragraph Font Foundry - MyFonts
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Paragraph font foundry Paragraph is the foundry of Jan Schmoeger, who was fascinated by letterforms and type since his childhood (a school work experience ... Skiptocontent Itemaddedtoyourcart Checkout Continueshopping BrowseFonts bycategory Paragraph ParagraphisthefoundryofJanSchmoeger,whowasfascinatedbyletterformsandtypesincehischildhood(aschoolworkexperienceinmetalhand-typesettingprobablythecause),andsince2008concentratedmainlyontypefacedesign.Ratherthanrevivingormodifyingexistingtypes,hedevelopednewtypefacesfromoriginalgeometriesexperimentally,combiningdeliberatedesignwithaccidentalaesthetics. fontfamiliesfromParagraph RelatedTags heading legible casual techno decorative clean artdeco Addatag Tagname Save Cancel Deletetag Areyousureyouwanttopermanentlydeletethistag? Delete Don’tdelete Bentwood™ by Paragraph 6fontstylesfrom$22.00 AddtoAlbum Circula™ by Paragraph 6fontstylesfrom$16.50 AddtoAlbum Diagond by Paragraph 2fontstylesfrom$0.00 AddtoAlbum Galette™ by Paragraph 6fontstylesfrom$18.00 AddtoAlbum Mentone™ by Paragraph 8fontstylesfrom$18.00 AddtoAlbum Paperclip™ by Paragraph 0fontstylesfrom$0.00 AddtoAlbum ParaCaps™ by Paragraph 3fontstylesfrom$12.00 AddtoAlbum Paragraph™ by Paragraph 3fontstylesfrom$12.00 AddtoAlbum ParagraphStretch™ by Paragraph 5fontstylesfrom$15.00 AddtoAlbum ↓More Gototop BacktoBuyingChoices Printer-friendlyversion × Close Choosingaselectionresultsinafullpagerefresh.
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Para Font Family. Jun 13, 2018. In 2016 we did start with an idea to create a typeface what can b...
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Paragraph font foundry Paragraph is the foundry of Jan Schmoeger, who was fascinated by letterfor...