A Complex Systems Approach to the Study of Ideology
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An ideology is not just any assortment of principles and concepts. The notion connotes a system of related ideas, beliefs, and values, recognized as such in ... Quickjumptopagecontent MainNavigation MainContent Sidebar Home About FocusandScope PeerReview Policies Additionalfeatures Articles Current Archives Forthcoming SpecialThematicSections OpenSciencePractices ForAuthors AuthorGuidelines Submissions PublicationProcess GuidelinesforGuestEditors Team Editors EditorialBoard Search ReturntoArticleDetails Download Full-screen Closefull-screen
- 1The cognitive and perceptual correlates of ideological attitudes
Although human existence is enveloped by ideologies, remarkably little is understood about the re...
- 2A Complex Systems Approach to the Study of Ideology
An ideology is not just any assortment of principles and concepts. The notion connotes a system o...
- 3Ideology | Psychology Wiki - Fandom
Meta-ideology posits that ideology is a coherent system of ideas, relying upon a few basic assump...
- 4Psychology and Ideology
Psychology and Ideology ... W. F. Stone et al., The Psychology of Politics ... affirms, is that i...
- 5The Psychology of Ideology - jstor
Lloyd Etheredge is associate professor of political science at Massachusetts Institute of Technol...