eSun Black 3kg Bulk PLA+ 1.75mm - 3DEA
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eSUN PLA+ 3D Printer Filaments are a popular choice with a lot of good user feedback. It is tougher than regular PLA. ADVANTAGES: Shop»BULKPLA+»eSunBlack3kgBulkPLA+1.75mm eSunBlack3kgBulkPLA+1.75mm$99.00 eSunBlackPLA+Filament1.75mm–comesonavacuumpacked3KGroll 3kg-BlackBulk Instock - eSunBlack3kgBulkPLA+1.75mmquantity + Addtocart Moreinfo BuyNow Tweet Description Additionalinformation Reviews(0) eSUNPLA+3DPrinterFilamentsareapopularchoicewithalotofgooduserfeedback.ItistougherthanregularPLA. ADVANTAGES: –suitableforprintinglargermodels –toughnessishigherthanregularPLA –lessstringing,thesurfaceoftheprintoutswillbesmootherandmoredelicate –nocrackingproblem –FDAfoodsafeapproved PLA+PrintingParameters: Bestprinttemperature:205-225°C Basetemperature:0/65°C Feedspeed:30-90mm/s Idlingspeed:90-150mm/s Filamentdiameter:1.75mm:±0.02mm Certification:ROHSCertified,REACH Materials:Polylacticacidplus(PLA+) Weight 3kg Brand eSun Colour BlackBulk Reviews Therearenoreviewsyet. Bethefirsttoreview“eSunBlack3kgBulkPLA+1.75mm”CancelreplyLoginwithyourSocialIDYouremailaddresswillnotbepublished.Requiredfieldsaremarked*Yourrating * Rate… Perfect Good Average Notthatbad Verypoor Yourreview * Choosepictures(maxsize:4000KB,maxfiles:3) Name * Email * Savemyname,email,andwebsiteinthisbrowserforthenexttimeIcomment. SKU:PLA+BLACKBULK Category:BULKPLA+ Tag:BULKPLA+ Relatedproducts QuickViewOutofStock10xeSunBlackPLA+1.75mm $319.90 10kg-Black 10xeSunBlackPLA+Filament1.75mm–comesasanouterunitof10vacuumpacked1KGrolls. Readmore QuickVieweSunSilver3kgBulkRollPLA+1.75mm $99.00 3kg-SilverBulk eSunSilverBulkPLA+Filament1.75mm–comesonavacuumpacked3KGroll AddtocartBuyNow QuickVieweSunGrey3kgBulkPLA+1.75mm $99.00 3kg-GreyBulk eSunGreyBulkPLA+Filament1.75mm–comesonavacuumpacked3KGroll AddtocartBuyNow QuickView10xeSunSilverPLA+1.75mm $319.90 10kg-Silver 10xeSunSilverPLA+Filament1.75mm–comesasanouterunitof10vacuumpacked1KGrolls. AddtocartBuyNow
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