Alan Jackson (亞倫傑克森) - The Older I Get-歌詞 - MyMusic
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The Older I Get-歌詞-The older I getThe more I thinkYou only get a minute, better live while you\'re in it\'Cause it\'s gone in a blinkAnd the older I ... 首頁 > AlanJackson(亞倫傑克森) > TheOlderIGet > TheOlderIGet 專輯:TheOlderIGet 歌手: AlanJackson(亞倫傑克森) 發行時間:2017.10 作詞:AdamWright 作曲:AdamWright 編曲: 分類:西洋 TheOlderIGet 2017.10 TheOlderIGet AlanJackson(亞倫傑克森) 聽歌去 歌詞 錯誤回報 TheolderIget ThemoreIthink Youonlygetaminute,betterlivewhileyou'reinit 'Causeit'sgoneinablink AndtheolderIget Thetrueritis It'sthepeopleyoulove,notthemoneyandstuff Thatmakesyourich Andiftheyfoundafountainofyouth Iwouldn'tdrinkadropandthat'sthetruth FunnyhowitfeelsI'mjustgettingtomybestyearsyet TheolderIget ThefewerfriendsIhave Butyoudon'tneedalotwhentheonesthatyougot Havealwaysgotyourback AndtheolderIget ThebetterIam Atknowingwhentogive Andwhentojustnotgiveadamn Andiftheyfoundafountainofyouth Iwouldn'tdrinkadropandthat'sthetruth FunnyhowitfeelsI'mjustgettingtomybestyearsyet TheolderIget AndIdon'tmindallthelines FromallthetimesI'velaughedandcried SouvenirsandlittlesignsofthelifeI'velived TheolderIget ThelongerIpray Idon'tknowwhy,IguessthatI Gotmoretosay AndtheolderIget ThemorethankfulIfeel ForthelifeI'vehad,andallthelifeI'mlivingstill 相似藝人 錯誤回報 作詞: AdamWright ╱ 作曲:AdamWright ╱ 西洋: 2017.10 專輯: TheOlderIGet 歌手: AlanJackson(亞倫傑克森) 錯誤原因 請選擇 歌詞中有錯字 歌詞不完整 詞、曲創作人有誤 整首歌的歌詞不對 歌詞頁面無法顯示 優先製作K歌歌詞 錯誤描述 取消 確認修改
- 1Alan Jackson (亞倫傑克森) - The Older I Get-歌詞 - MyMusic
The Older I Get-歌詞-The older I getThe more I thinkYou only get a minute, better live while you\'r...
- 2The Older I Get 歌詞Alan Jackson ※ - 魔鏡歌詞網
The Older I Get The older I get The more I think You only get a minute, better live while you're ...
- 3老歌亂談(1076)The Older I Get@中古年代 - 個人新聞台
老歌亂談(1076)The Older I Get ... 此首《The Older I Get》亦收錄於該專輯中,但此曲前於2017已先以單曲發行,卻無緣入 ... 【中文歌詞為古狗翻譯】
- 4藏在岁月里的深情:乡村治愈歌曲《The Older I Get》
- 5the older i get中文意思的推薦與評價 - 歌曲歌詞歡唱分享站
LANY - the older you get, the less you cry的歌詞翻譯,翻譯儘量忠實呈現原意,內容有錯漏歡迎留言告知,內嵌影片來自Youtube,如遭移除請見諒。 於ww...