「再確認」說double confirm,是錯的!一次搞懂double跟re的 ...
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- 1Can I say both double check and double confirm to mean the ...
I personally haven't heard someone say double confirm and would stick to double check|"reconfirm"...
- 2不要再說Double confirm! - 世界公民文化中心- udn部落格
有一次我聽到學生和老師的對話,學生想要確認下一回上課時間,他說: I would like to double confirm the schedule for next week. 這句話聽起...
- 3不要再說Double confirm! @ 聯合翻譯有限公司/聯合翻譯社 ...
I would like to double confirm the schedule for next week. 這句話聽起來沒問題,但其實是錯的!老師指正他說,美國人大概知道double ...
- 4"Double check" or "double confirm"? - My English Matters
The correct phrase to use is either “double check”, or just the word “confirm”. To add “double” b...
- 5這些經典的職場英文,其實是錯的! - 今周刊
5. I would like to double confirm the schedule for next week. 我想再確認一次下週的行程。 答案:. 1. Regulars are ...