Tomb Sweeping Day
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Tomb Sweeping Day, also known as "Ching Ming" Day or Ancestor Worship Day, is an important traditional and national holiday which is celebrated to show ... GoToContent TombSweepingDay back ::: CurrentLocation Home >MainTree >Service >Language,Culture&Festivals print GoBack share Facebook Twitter LINE TombSweepingDay TombSweepingDay,alsoknownas"ChingMing"DayorAncestorWorshipDay,isanimportanttraditionalandnationalholidaywhichiscelebratedtoshowrespectforancestorsandfilialpiety.Unusually,thisisoneofthefewChineseholidaystofollowthesolarcalendarandusuallytakesplaceonApril4,5or6.Thisspringfestival'sChinesenamemeans"clearandbright"(ChingMing)andismarkedbymostresidentswithanoutingintothecountrysideorbacktohometownstocleanupfamilytombs.Offeringsoffoodandpaper"spiritmoney"arealsomadetoancestors'spirits.Thisoutingfrequentlyturnsintoanenjoyablefamilypicnic-styleouting,butcanalsomeanheavilycongestedhighwaysforthosetravelinganydistance. Dataupdate: 2018-11-06 PublishDate: 2011-11-15 Source: CivilAffairsBureau HitCount: 382 GoTop
- 1Tomb Sweeping Day
Tomb Sweeping Day, also known as "Ching Ming" Day or Ancestor Worship Day, is an important tradit...
- 2Qingming Festival - Wikipedia
- 3A Taiwan News guide to the 'do's and dont's' of Tomb ...
Obviously it is called the Tomb Sweeping Day for a reason. When family members reach the tomb sit...
- 4Qingming Festival- Tomb Sweeping Day in China
Also known in China as Qingming Jie (清明节), Tomb Sweeping Day is a Traditional Chinese holiday cel...
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