Buy time definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
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- 1Buy time - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
- 2當同事說請你幫忙「buy time」,別以為是要買時間!真正的 ...
職場 | 英文學習. 當同事說請你幫忙「buy time」,別以為是要買時間!真正的意思是...... 來源:世界公民文化中心. 撰文者:世界公民文化中心.
- 3Buy time | Definition of Buy time at
Increase the time available for a specific purpose. For example, Renting an apartment buys them t...
- 4buy time 在英語-中文(繁體)詞典中的翻譯 - Cambridge ...
buy time翻譯:贏得時間;拖延時間。了解更多。
- 5Bought time - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
buy (yourself) time. If someone buys time or buys themselves time, they do something to give them...