Please kindly advise
po文清單文章推薦指數: 80 %
關於「Please kindly advise」標籤,搜尋引擎有相關的訊息討論:
- 1台式英語突擊考 - 英國文化協會
Or, if you want to be very polite: Would you be able to reply by Tuesday? 用法: 很多台灣人在書信往來中常常會寫"ple...
- 2你以為講Please就很有禮貌膩?用錯位置老外可能在內心翻你 ...
Would you be able to send me the file? Could I have it within ten minutes please?(我可以10分鐘內收到檔案嗎?)...
- 3客氣委婉說英語、得心應手上職場| EF English Live 部落格
I'd appreciate it if you could give me your feedback. ... Would you be opposed to my taking off a...
- 4<May you please ... ?>... - BCE:Bill Chen English:必思英文
BCE商用英文常見,但有無錯?意思上有。"may"用法關係於"permission" , 用於問題例如, 問老師"may i go to toilet?" (唔用loo)。但係你又會問BCE你見...
- 5【出國不想鬧笑話】開頭就說Please ,小心在國外被人當奧客 ...
在被訓了一頓後,特別去查了Please 的用法,發現如果Please 放錯位置,會是超沒禮貌的命令口氣。 1. Could you bring me a glass of water, please?